
 Metallica Archive


Instrument: Bass, Vocals

Birthday: March 4, 1963

Originally from: Battle Creek, Michigan

Vitals: 5'9" & 150 lbs (1.75 meters & 68.04 kilos); brown/red hair & blue eyes

Marital status: Single

Drives: '94 Land Cruiser

Drinks: Bordeaux, Barolo, barbaresco wines; Evian

Eats: Anything BBQ-ed

Sports teams: NBA: Phoenix Suns, Chicago Bulls; NFL: Detroit Lions, L.A. Raiders

Band before Metallica: Flotsam and Jetsam

Jobs before Metallica: Burger-flipper, pizza-maker, and truck-driver

Likes: Mountain biking, shootin' hoops, playing and listening to music

Listens to: Kiss, Black Sabbath, Tom Waits, Stevie Ray Vaughan, Machine Head, Fugees, Sly and the Family Stone, Sepultura, Wes Montgomery

First concert: Ted Nugent, 1975, South Bend, Indiana

Heroes: Gene Simmons, Al Pacino, B.B. King, my father, Zach Harmen

Describes self as: Energetic, caring, goofy